In order for any company to design a successful Marketing strategy, it is necessary to closely monitor and continuously record the developments and consumer trends in the market where the company operates.
Specifically, it is important for the company to be attentive, and to evaluate parameters such as:
- trends and the size of the target market or markets of interest
- quality of the products and services it provides in comparison to its direct competition and also satisfaction of the users for its products
- pricing policy
- quality, frequency, and manner of communication with its target audience
- structure and efficiency of its network, and
- current tendencies and preferences of its customers
The main marketing tools we use at Winning are Market Research and Mystery Shopping. Winning has great expertise in designing and implementing both types of tools, in different consumer industries and services. Such tools are suitable for:
Such tools are suitable for:
- obtaining information on market developments and applications of competitors marketing policies
- recording consumer trends and preferences and identifying opportunities
- identifying consumer satisfaction
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